
members of the lab or group


555 your office number

123 your address street

Your City, State 12345

layout: about title: About permalink: /

subtitle: Affiliations. Address. Contacts. Moto. Etc.

profile: align: right image: me.jpg image_circular: false # crops the image to make it circular more_info: > <p>M3002 Natural History</p> <p>1301 W Green St</p> <p>Urbana, IL 60801</p>

news: true # includes a list of news items latest_posts: false # includes a list of the newest posts selected_papers: false # includes a list of papers marked as “selected={true}” social: true # includes social icons at the bottom of the page —

Hi, I am Xiaotian Xu, a third-year Ph.D. Student at Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), under supervision of Prof. Nicole Riemer. Before that, I worked as a full-time research assistant in Prof. Yanxu Zhang’s group in School of Atmospheric Science at Nanjing university (NJU) from Dec. 2019 to Jun. 2021. I received my M.S. degree in Environmental Science and Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Nov 2019, for thesis conducted in the Atmospheric Chemistry Group of Prof. Jianzhen Yu. and B.Eng. degree in Environmental Engineering at Shanxi University (SXU) in 2018.


555 your office number

123 your address street

Your City, State 12345

layout: about title: About permalink: /

subtitle: Affiliations. Address. Contacts. Moto. Etc.

profile: align: right image: me.jpg image_circular: false # crops the image to make it circular more_info: > <p>M3002 Natural History</p> <p>1301 W Green St</p> <p>Urbana, IL 60801</p>

news: true # includes a list of news items latest_posts: false # includes a list of the newest posts selected_papers: false # includes a list of papers marked as “selected={true}” social: true # includes social icons at the bottom of the page —

Hi, I am Xiaotian Xu, a third-year Ph.D. Student at Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), under supervision of Prof. Nicole Riemer. Before that, I worked as a full-time research assistant in Prof. Yanxu Zhang’s group in School of Atmospheric Science at Nanjing university (NJU) from Dec. 2019 to Jun. 2021. I received my M.S. degree in Environmental Science and Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Nov 2019, for thesis conducted in the Atmospheric Chemistry Group of Prof. Jianzhen Yu. and B.Eng. degree in Environmental Engineering at Shanxi University (SXU) in 2018.